AmigaMUD, Copyright 1995 by Chris Gray The Standard Scenario This file is intended as commentary and explanation of the standard scenario sources shipped with AmigaMUD. It cannot explain everything in those source files, else it would be a very long boring book. My hope is to explain enough of what is done in those files that people interested in scenario programming in AmigaMUD can learn from those examples, and, if they choose, can program within the framework of the standard scenario. The level of detail in these descriptions will decrease throughout this file. It is assumed that the reader will start at the beginning and read forward, and will understand the early material enough to be able to follow similar things without detailed explanations. The structure of the files is such that parts of the scenario can easily be left out, and other new parts can, hopefully, be inserted. This is done by having two levels of file inclusion, using the wizard- mode command "source". The file names are referenced relative to the assigned name "ST:", so, in order to create the standard scenario from these source files, you will have to have an assign of that name pointing to the directory you have the source files in. Note that the scenario source files no longer fit on a standard Amiga floppy disk, so people with no hard drive or high-density floppy drive will have to trim the scenario down, or build it in multiple pieces. I will not discuss these difficulties further, and will just assume that the reader will be able to make things work out. To create the standard scenario from the source files, you must: - make sure the source files are ready, and assign "ST:" is set - choose a directory (I often use the RAM-disk) which the database files are to be created in, and CD to that directory - run MUDCre to create the initial database - run MUDServ in the background, using "Run". I usually specify a cache size of 500000. - enter [path/]smud